Friday, March 27, 2009

You Say You Want a Revolution?

Cong. Michele Bachmann (R-Looney Bin) has been all over the teevee lately with her especially hilarous brand of wingnuttery. First, she grilled Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke about a non-existant Chinese plot to replace the dollar with a "world currency" (Bernanke was clearly saying something like "Who is this idiot?" to himself during her questioning). Then she went on Hannity's show to promote sedition. TPM has more:

The business about a one world currency is a primary thread in Christian extremist end times mythology, so this Chinese statement was right in her wheelhouse.


The Dallas Morning News yesterday ran a response from Managing Editor George Rodrique regarding Michael Lindenburger's recent story about Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert's um, shall we say, less than honest statements during the Trinity Tollroad campaign. In short, our oleaginous Mayor's a bald-faced liar. Rodrique's spirited defense of his paper, which has consistently and unflinchingly endorsed this Dallas version of Boston's infamous Big Dig, certainly had some amusing moments. The sneering condescension toward the Dallas Observer and its "tiny staff" is pretty funny, when you consider that Rodrique's own staff is getting tinier all the time. And self-congratulating professions about the nobility of its journalistic enterprise from the paper that continues to employ Alan Peppard while it jettisons Ed Bark, Phil Wuntch, Jerome Weeks, David Dillon and Gerry Fraley (along with hundreds of others) are always good for a laugh. But the best part was the statement that "we don't write propaganda." Bwahahahahahah!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Right Move

My pal Greg Sargent has an update describing Obama's latest attempt to counter the baleful influence of the Village media whores. This is absolutely the right move, and not just for his own political benefits. The hold the corrupt, shallow and decadent Village media has on the national discourse must be broken, completely and permanently.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"It's Bipartisan!"

Following the lead of our Village betters, I think we should begin to use "bipartisan" as a universal term of praise, as in," Great dinner tonight, honey. Really bipartisan!" or "wow, that new dress makes you look bipartisan!" or "You're the most bipartisanest little kitty cat in the whole wide world!" This usage makes about as much sense as any usage I've heard from Broder and his pals. In fact, I think this is the most bipartisan idea I've ever had.

Press Corps Clown Car

That the Village media is a national disgrace was again in evidence last night during Obama's press conference. Asking people who are already sacrificing to make sacrifices? Too bad that press conference decorum prohibits the only answer such a question really deserves: "That is the stupidest question I've ever heard, you stupid moron." But the winner for my money was the odious Major Garret from Fox News (natch) with his idiotic framing of a question about monetary policy and our European allies: "OMG!!! Communists!!! Socialists!!! Left of center!!!" What a maroon.

Friday, March 20, 2009

History Lesson

One of my favorite guys, Zach Karabell, has an excellent column in the WSJ offering some historical perspective on our boom-and-bust cycle past. Zach is a very smart guy. The fact that he's a regular contributor on CNBC shouldn't be held against him. He's no wingnut like most of those loons.

A Little Calm, Please

Terence Samuel has a good article in The American Prospect (Web only) about the AIG stink. Everybody needs to take a deep breath.

Retire This!

When the recession is over, whenever that is, I hope I never again hear the term "cliff-diving."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coulter on Kudlow

Ann Coulter climbed out of the Kudlow Klown Kar on CNBC tonight. She looked and sounded . . . not insane. She was wearing soft, pastel colors, her make-up softened her harsh, skanky features, she sat behind a desk so those spindly legs weren't shoved in the audience's face, and she spoke calmly and sensibly, offering some fairly ordinary lawyerly remarks about the Madoff case. Not a trace of the crazed wingnut at all. It was very strange. Could she be modifying her marketing strategy to accomodate the new realities?

The Oracle

I'm continually puzzled by the uncritical acceptance Nouriel Roubini's predictions receive, especially from some elements in the blogosphere who are otherwise usually pretty skeptical of such persons. Roubini made a good call two years ago. But that doesn't mean his every pronouncement since then has any more predictive value than anyone else's. The idea that he possesses some superior insight or that he is some kind of disinterested commentator is silly. He's just talking his book. That's what they all do.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Little Daylight

One of my favorite guys, Zach Karabell, has a good column in Newsweek. He's always worth a read.

Are You Depressed yet?

The excellent and always informative Calculated Risk answers this question:

"Some people argue the duration of the economic slump defines a depression - and the current recession is already 15 months old. That is longer than the recessions of '90/'91 and '01. The '73-'75 recession lasted 16 months peak to trough, and the early '80s recession (a double dip) was classified as a 6 month recession followed by a 16 month recession (22 months total). Those earlier periods weren't "depressions", so if duration is the key measure, the current recession still has a ways to go... Even though the current recession is already one of the worst since 1947, it is only about 1/3 of the way to a depression (assuming a terrible Q1). To reach a depression, the economy would have to decline at about a 6.6% annual rate each quarter for the next year... I still think a depression is very unlikely. More likely the economy will bottom later this year or at least the rate of economic decline will slow sharply. I also still believe that the eventual recovery will be very sluggish, and it will take some time to return to normal growth."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just Checking

John McCain lost the election, right?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Question Time

What does John McCain say?